Spring has arrived in New York City. After a mild winter and a few warm days, the first daffodils are already fading and the tulips are starting to bloom.
This Easter Sunday was a little chilly but bright and sunny. It brought us some visitors: a few tourists were enjoying ice cream on the patio, some neighbors dropped by, and the first migrating warbler stopped over and looked for food.
The false marsh marigold (Ficaria verna), an immigrant from Europe, looked very beautiful today with its bright yellow flowers and shiny green foliage. Too bad that it is a pretty obnoxious invasive weed that suffocates native spring flowers in parks and forests. Good that we can bring it under control by careful weeding.
Can you believe that along with these early spring flowers the first bleeding hearts are also in bloom? In just a few days, the lilac will open its buds, too. It is almost time to think of tomatoes, cucumbers and summer flowers. At the very least, it is time to put their seeds in to the ground. Let the gardening season begin!